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The college Romance: Wedding story of Sana and Anirudh

Once upon a time, in a bustling college town, there were two friends, Anirudh and Sana. They met in the most ordinary of circumstances, sharing a class and a love for chai breaks between lectures. What started as a simple exchange of notes soon blossomed into a beautiful friendship, filled with laughter, late-night conversations, and shared dreams.

As the years passed, their bond only grew stronger. They became each other's confidants, partners in crime, and pillars of support through life's ups and downs. Their friendship was a beacon of light in each other's lives, guiding them through the challenges of college and beyond.
But little did they know, hidden beneath the surface of their platonic relationship, was a love waiting to be discovered. It took a spontaneous road trip, a shared moment of vulnerability, and a realization that their hearts beat as one, for them to finally acknowledge what had been there all along.

Their journey from friends to lovers was like a fairy tale unfolding before their eyes. With every stolen glance and every touch, they discovered a love that was pure, unconditional, and utterly magical.

And so after 8 wonderful years of togetherness, on a beautiful spring day, surrounded by their loved ones, Anirudh and Sana said 'I do.' Their wedding was a celebration of not just their love, but of the incredible journey that brought them together—a journey of friendship, laughter, and a love that defied all odds.
As they danced under the stars, hand in hand, they knew that their love story was just beginning. Here's to forever, Anirudh and Sana.